Well, it's been 90 days since I started the vegan experiment. I can honestly say it's been pretty easy. I'm totally into it. I do that, though, I get on a roll with something, then I dive all the way in....whether it's hiking, guitar, cooking, sailing....all that shit I've done throughout my life...I'm always all in!!! So I was into the vegan/vegetarian thing deep...still am. I started with this just wanting to lose a little weight, get a little healthier, and do a little disease prevention....all the articles and research I've done over the past few months made me realize that the food we eat has a direct effect on our health. You eat shit, you eventually feel like shit. So, in the year or two prior to doin the vegan experiment, I would suffer every month or so with really painful Gout and or arthritis. It got to be ridicoulous. There were times when I got up in the morning I really couldn't walk..had to hold on to whatever I could hold on to, and work my way to the bathroom. I was only 58. This was not happening. I was always healthy up to this point in my life. So, after seeing a few doctors and taking the stupid pills to relieve the joint pain, I decided to change my diet; see if it worked. See if, by going vegan, eating only plant based food, if I could ease the joint pains.....well....it apparently worked...I haven't had one ache or stiff knee/ankle/toe in 3 months......it's almost to scary to claim victory this soon. But really, I've never, ever, felt better in my life. Not just the joint pain thing, but just everyday energy levels...my waist is down 5 inches from Jan 2, my weight is down 17 pounds, my blood pressure is 110 over 70, it's frickin great!!!!! So, I'm not done yet. I'm going to continue this little life change and stay on this path. The hardest part of it was cooking. I love love love to cook. It took a little while for me to realize that vegan meals are very unlike what I was plating in the past. In the past I would plate a huge meat entry, some veggies, maybe some rice or potato. But when you cook vegan, it's kind of like one or two dishes that make up the meal. At first it was just weird...just seemed weird eating like one thing, even though it was very complete meal. All the nutrients were wrapped up in one dish. I discovered Indian cuisine along the way, which is very healthy and some recipes are time consuming to make, which I loved....I love the process....the more complicated dish, the better.
So, anyway, just wanted to jot this down...that I made it 90 days...that I actually reached my goal, but I don't consider it the finish line...I'm doin the long haul...like I said, now it's more of a life style change and disease prevention gig.....onward.....through the food!!!!
it's really about disease prevention.....and good eats